Insurance Cigna denial codes list
Code Description Denial Language
1 Services after auth end The services were provided after the authorization was effective and are not covered benefits under this plan.
2 Services prior to auth start The services were provided before the authorization was effective and are not covered benefits under this plan.
3 No auth on file There is no authorization on file for these services.
4 Max Days This claim exceeds the maximum allowed days per benefit period
5 Not member Denied: No coverage effective at time of service.
6 Benefit Day Limit Exceeded. Benefit Day Limit Exceeded.
7 No benefit The patient does not have benefits for this service under this Plan.
8 Not covered The service provided is not a covered benefit under this plan.
9 Before eff date The date you received medical services on the above claim was prior to your effective date of eligibility with this Plan. Please submit your claim to the appropriate Plan.
10 Prior auth required Utilization Management has denied prior authorization for this service.
11 Not a benefit Not a benefit
12 Exceeds annual amount This claim exceeds the annual amount allowed for this benefit.
13 Lifetime max This claim exceeds the lifetime maximum allowed for this benefit.
14 Visit limit This claim exceeds the visit limit allowed for this benefit.
15 Dollar limit This claim exceeds the dollar limit allowed for this benefit.
16 Exceeds auth This services exceeds the number of services authorized.
17 Auth for different provider The authorization on file was issued to a different provider.
18 Experimental Procedure has been determined as being experimental in nature.
19 Mental Health This claim is the responsibility of Bravo Health's Delegated Mental Health Vendor. This claim has been forwarded on your behalf.
20 Not covered This service is not a covered benefit for this plan
21 Capitated This is a capitated service.
22 Hospice Hospice Member - Submit to Original Medicare
23 Capitated This is a capitated service.
24 CompCare Submit all Inpatient Mental Health to Comp Care
26 Vision This claim is the responsibility of Bravo Health's Delegated Vision Vendor. This claim has been forwarded on your behalf.
27 Health and Wellness This claim is the responsibility of Bravo Health's Delegated Health & Wellness Vendor. This claim has been forwarded on your behalf.
28 Dental This claim is the responsibility of Bravo Health's Delegated Dental Vendor. This claim has been forwarded on your behalf.
29 Adjusted claim This is an adjusted claim.
30 Auth match The services billed do not match the services that were authorized on file.
31 Not covered Medicare This service is not covered by Medicare.
32 Not covered benefit This service is not a covered benefit for this plan however the patient is not liable for payment as the Noncoverage provided to the patient did not comply with the program requirements
33 POS Please resubmit this claim with the correct place of service.
35 Per Diem Services included in Per Diem
36 Facility Services included in facility fee
37 RUGS Services included in RUGS rate
38 Visit Services included in visit rate
39 Invalid revenue code Claim has been submitted with an invalid revenue code. Please resubmit a corrected claim.
40 Invalid modifier The modifier submitted on this claim is invalid for the date of service. Please resubmit claim with a valid modifier.
41 Invalid procedure code The procedure code billed is not valid. Please resubmit this claim with a valid code.
42 Invalid ICD9 code Please resubmit this claim with a valid ICD9 diagnosis code.
43 Par filing deadline exceeded All claims for participating providers must be submitted within 180 days of the date of service. This claim was submitted after the filing deadline.
44 No detail Please resubmit this claim with a detailed bill showing the charges and specific services for each date of service. Itemized bills can be faxed to 1(877)-788-2764
45 No EOB Please resubmit with EOB in order to complete processing of the claim.
46 No occurrence code Please resubmit with corrected Occurrence Code on claim
47 Correct occurrence span Please resubmit with corrected Occurrence Code Span on claim.
48 Correct condition code Please resubmit with corrected Condition Code on claim.
49 Duplicate Claim Line (SameMember/DOS/CPT(REV) Duplicate Claim Line (Same Member/DOS/CPT(REV)
50 Duplicate Mem/DOS/Pay To/Rendering Phys/Charges Duplicate Mem/DOS/Pay To/Rendering Phys/Charges
51 Invalid claim data found on IRF claim. Invalid claim data found on IRF claim.
52 Benefit Requires Contracted (PAR) provider. Benefit Requires Contracted (PAR) provider.
53 Benefit requires non-contracted (NONPAR) provider. Benefit requires non-contracted (NONPAR) provider.
54 Service not within the scope of your contract. Service provided is not included within the scope of your contract.
55 Incorrect value code Please resubmit with corrected Value Code on claim
56 Incorrect admission date Please resubmit with corrected Admission Date on claim
57 Discharge status required Discharge status is required for inpatient and SNF claims.
58 Admission source required Admission source required
59 Incorrect patient status Please resubmit with corrected patient status for bill type on claim
61 HIPPS RUGS DOS billed dollars HH PPS and RUGS DOS billed amount should not have a dollar amount.
62 HIPPS RUG requires rehab HIPPS RUG rate code requires rehabilitation therapy
63 Submit EOB Please resubmit with a EOB in order to complete the processing of the claim
64 Duplicate service code Duplicate service code on same claim with no modifier. Please resubmit with corrected modifier on claim.
65 Incorrect From DOS Please resubmit with corrected From DOS on claim.
66 Incorrect To DOS Please resubmit with corrected TO DOS on claim.
67 Incorrect Admit Type Please resubmit with a correct Admit Type on claim.
68 Incorrect HIPPS code Please resubmit with corrected HIPPS code on IRF claim.
69 Incorrect IRF charges Please resubmit with corrected charges on IRF claim
70 Incorrect Rev code/HCPC rate Please resubmit with corrected Revenue Code and HCPCS/Rate on claim
71 Invalid claim line units Claim line units not equal to days reflected with span code 74
72 Annual benefit amount exceeded Annual benefit amount exceeded
73 Lifetime benefit amount exceeded Lifetime benefit amount exceeded
74 Individual Lifetime visits exceeded Individual Lifetime visits exceeded
75 Not covered This service is not a covered benefit under the plan for this date of service.
76 Benefit visit limit exceeded Benefit visit limit exceeded
77 Benefit dollar limit exceeded Benefit dollar limit exceeded
78 Excluded from provider contract This service is excluded from the Provider's contract. Reimbursement will be made only on services covered by the contract.
79 Duplicate Mem/DOS/Service Code/Pay To/Modifier Duplicate Mem/DOS/Service Code/Pay To/Modifier
80 Dup mem/DOS/Svc Code/ Pay To/Rend Phys/Mod Duplicate member/DOS/Service Code/ Pay To/Rendering Physician/Modifier
81 One 0024 revenue code is permitted per claim Per CMS guidelines, only one 0024 revenue code is permitted per claim
82 Resubmit with appropriate diagnosis codes. Please resubmit the claim with appropriate diagnosis codes.
83 Duplicate claim line Duplicate claim line (same provider/member/DOS/CPT(REV)
84 Not covered/Not allowable by contract Service not covered/Not allowable by contract for provider.
85 Duplicate Claim (Provider/Member/DOS) Duplicate Claim (Provider/Member/DOS)
86 No RAP A Request for Anticipated Payment (RAP) has not yet been submitted for this episode. A RAP must be submitted before payment can be made on the final claim of the episode.
87 Unmatched HIPPS The HIPPS code that was submitted on the RAP for this episode does not match the HIPPS code that was billed on the final claim. Please resubmit a corrected claim or RAP.
88 No RAP 2 A Request for Anticipated Payment (RAP) has not yet been submitted for this episode. A RAP must be submitted before payment can be made on the final claim of the episode.
89 Invalid from date The From statement date must equal the date on the service line item. Please submit a corrected claim.
90 The statement From date is a required field. The statement From date is a required field. Please resubmit a corrected claim.
91 Duplicate RAP A Request for Anticipated Payment (RAP) has already been submitted for this episode. A cancellation of the original RAP must be submitted before payment can be made on a corrected RAP.
92 RAP date discrepancy The statement From and Through date on the Request for Anticipated Payment (RAP) should be equal. Please submit a corrected claim.
93 Include rev and HCPC codes for each service. Please resubmit the claim and include both valid revenue and HCPC codes for each service.
94 HIPPS RUGS DOS not in time period. HIPPS RUGS Date of Service is not within the assessment modifier time period.
95 Not a member Denied: No coverage effective at time of service.
96 Need EOB Please resubmit with an Explanation of Benefits from the primary insurance carrier
97 Incorrect bill type Please resubmit this claim with a corrected bill type
98 Incorrect number of units Please resubmit with the correct number of units on claim.
99 Inpatient hospital days have been exhausted. Inpatient hospital days have been exhausted.
100 Rebundled Two or more procedure codes were rebundled into one comprehensive code.
101 Pre-op included Pre-Operative services are included in the surgical package.
102 Post-op included Post-Operative services are included in the surgical package.
103 Medical visit is not separately reimbursable. Medical visit is not separately reimbursable.
104 One initial/3 years Initial visit is only billed once per patient/provider every three years.
105 Duplicate claim. Duplicate claim.
106 Incidental Incidental service(s) to primary procedure do not require separate reimbursement - The patient is not liable for payment.
107 Obsolete or invalid procedure code Obsolete or invalid procedure code
108 Multiple unit or multiple modifier denial. Multiple unit or multiple modifier denial.
109 Unilateral/Bilateral procedure code Unilateral/Bilateral procedure code
110 Mutually exclusive Two or more procedure codes are considered mutually exclusive.
111 Procedure does not require an Assistant Surgeon. Procedure does not require an Assistant Surgeon.
112 Age range discrepancy Provider assigned an age-specific procedure to a patient whose age is outside of the designated age range.
113 Gender discrepancy Provider assigned a gender-specific procedure to a patient of the opposite sex.
114 Invalid diagnosis code Invalid diagnosis code
116 OPPS The services reported on this claim are not separately reimbursable under OPPS.
117 Incorrect blood Line items billing for blood and products is incorrect. Please resubmit a corrected claim.
118 Radiopharm Certain nuclear medicine procedures are performed with specific diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals. The required radiopharmaceutical is not present on the claim. Please resubmit corrected claim.
119 G0739 G0379 must be billed in conjunction with G0378.
120 Inc in Part A The services billed on this claim are considered directly related to an inpatient admission and are not separately billable. These services are included in the Part A payment.
121 Need mod Component of comprehensive procedure that would be allowed if appropriate modifier were present
122 T or S Medical visit on same day as a type T or S procedure without modifier 25.
123 Rev Code Please resubmit with corrected Revenue Code.
124 Mileage Mileage included in base rate.
125 Invoice Submit claim with invoice.
126 Total mismatch Claim total does not match detail line total.
127 Diag required Per CMS regulations this benefit requires specific diagnosis codes.
128 EOB required The primary carrier's explanation of benefits is necessary to consider these services.
129 Single HIPPS Effective January 1, 2008, episodes paid under the refined HH PPS will be paid based on a single HIPPS code. Please submit a corrected claim.
130 Missing Modifier Please resubmit with appropriate or missing modifier.
131 Rendering Provider Rendering Provider Required on Claim
132 POA Please resubmit with a valid POA code
133 SUBMITTED W/O NDC NUMBERS Please resubmit with National Drug Code (NDC) numbers.
134 SUBMITTED W/INVALID NDC #S Please resubmit with a valid National Drug Code (NDC) number. The number submitted is not valid.
135 INVALID NDC NUMBER Please resubmit with a valid National Drug Code (NDC) number. The number submitted is not valid.
136 NDC NUMBER(S) ILLEGIBLE Please resubmit this claim with legible NDC numbers.
137 FIN and NPI mismatch Our data indicates a FIN and NPI mismatch as billed. Please submit a corrected claim.
138 Acute Rehab This is an acute rehab admit. Please resubmit claim with the appropriate case mix group code.
139 OON The benefit for this service is not covered out of network.
140 Add On Add-on billed without primary code.
141 Drug Coverage Only No Medical Coverage. Member has Drug Coverage Only.
142 Bundled Service Bundled Service
143 HIPPS A HIPPS codes is required for this type of claim. Please resubmit with appropriate coding.
144 A8A9 Please resubmit claim with value codes A8 & A9
146 Old Services not billable for the Fiscal Year.
147 OPPS Code not recognized by OPPS; alternate code for the same service may be available.
148 CMS Code not recognized by CMS; alternate code for the same service may be available.
149 Not enrolled Member not enrolled on DOS.
150 Not enrolled group Member was not enrolled with this Medical Group on DOS .
151 Bill on 1500 Resubmit ASC Claims on HCFA ASCs are required to submit claims on form CMS-1500. Please resubmit claim on appropriate form.
152 RUGS Submit with RUGS code.
153 DevCode Claim lacks required device code.
154 Report Code is used for reporting performance measurements only.
155 Invalid G/I- This service code is not valid for Medicare purposes. Medicare uses an alternate code for the reporting and payment of these services. Please resubmit claim with appropriate coding.
156 Excl E- This service code is excluded from the Physician fee schedule by regulation. No payment is made under the MPFS for this code.
157 No RVU J- This code has no Relative Value Unit and no payment amount. The intent of this code is to facilitate the identification of anesthesia services only.
158 APC Reimbursement for this service is included in the APC reimbursement.
159 DRG Payment for this service is included in the DRG rate.
160 Age The diagnosis code includes an age range and the age is outside that range.
161 Gender The diagnosis code includes sex designation and the sex does not match.
162 E Dx The first letter of the principle diagnosis code in an E. This edit is not applicable to the admit diagnosis.
163 Gender Match The sex of the patient does not match the sex designated for the procedure on the record.
164 Bilateral 2x The same bilateral procedure code occurs two or more times on the same service date.
165 Bilateral 2xx The same bilateral procedure code occurs two or more times on the same service date or the same inherent
bilateral procedure code occurs two or more times on the same service date.
166 Mut Excl The procedure is one of a pair of mutually exclusive procedures in the NCCI table coded on the same day, where the use of a modifier is not appropriate.
167 No Mod The procedure is identified as part of another procedure on the claim coded on the same day, where the use of a modifier is not appropriate.
168 No Blood A blood transfusion or exchange is coded but no blood product is coded.
169 Obs A 762 (observation) revenue code is used with a HCPCS other than observation (99217-99220, 99234-99236, G0378, G0379).
170 HCPCS Req Revenue center requires HCPCS.
171 Comp EM Composite E/M conditions not met for observation and line item.
172 Inv Rev Revenue code not recognized by Medicare.
173 No Proc Claim lacks allowed procedure code.
176 Not covered This is not a covered service.
177 Max Maximum out of Pocket has been reached. Eligible Amounts have been paid at 100%.
178 Max copay Maximum copay per diem has been satisfied for this benefit period. No copay per diem applied.
179 Cosurgeon Co-Surgeon Not Covered
180 Credit Credit applied for prior RAP payment
181 MedSurg This service has been down graded to Med/Surg Day
182 Skilled This service has been down graded to Skilled Nursing
183 Subacute This service has been down graded to Subacute
184 Telemetry This service has been down graded to Telemetry
185 Obs 2 This service has been down graded to the Observation Rate
186 Per Diem This service is included in the In-patient Per Diem
187 Obs Rate This service is included in the Observation Rate
188 Package This service is included in the Package Price
189 Stoploss This service is included in the Stop Loss Rate
190 Unequal Itemized Bill not equaled to charges
191 Missing Anes Time Please rebill. The service is billed is missing Anesthesia Time Units
194 Mult Surg Multiple Surgery Reduction
197 Convenience Patient convenience items are not covered under this benefit plan.
199 Facility Payment Reimbursement for service is included in the payment made to the facility.
200 HH Claims Resubmit HH Claims on UB Home Health Agencies are required to submit claims on form CMS-1450, the UB-04. Please resubmit claim on appropriate form.
201 Self Admin Self administered drugs are not covered services under this plan.
203 3 Units Blood The first three units of blood are not covered services under this plan.
205 After Death This date of service is after the date of the patient's death.
206 DRG Invalid The DRG submitted on this claim is not valid for the fiscal year billed. Please resubmit claim with a corrected DRG.
207 ER in 72 hrs Emergency Room visits within 72 hours of an inpatient admission cannot be billed and reimbursed separately.
208 Inc in case This service is included in the Case Rate
209 Inc in CMG Reimbursement for this service in included in the CMG
210 Denied Days These hospital days have been denied by our Health Services Department.
211 Spec Dx Payment for this benefit requires specific diagnosis codes per CMS guidelines.
212 Dup This is a duplicate of a claim that was previously adjudicated.
213 Location Service Facility Location Required.
214 Adjust for Cap This claim is an adjustment for services capitated incorrectly according to your contract.
215 BT 710 Payment for claims submitted using bill type 710 will be $0.00 as this is a non-payment claim.
216 Excl Excluded Service Not Covered
217 NotMember2 Denied: No coverage effective at time of service.
220 Qual Physician Quality Reporting Indicator codes are for reporting purposes only and are not eligible for reimbursement.
221 Item Bill Itemized Bill Request: Itemized bills can be faxed to 1(877)-788-2764
225 Inc Included in other procedure.
226 Dup Duplicate Line on Same Claim
227 IncPay Service included in payment for surgical procedure.
228 NoCov Denied: No coverage effective at time of service.
230 PHP The required Bravo Personal Health Profile Form was not received or was incomplete. Please submit completed/corrected form.
231 Cap This is a capitated service
232 Therapy Please resubmit with the appropriate code to reflect the correct amount of therapies billed.
233 Insuf Svc Insufficient services on a day of a partial hospitalization.
301 Admit Hour Please resubmit with a valid admit hour.
302 Bill Type Please resubmit claim with appropriate bill type for inpatient procedure.
303 Multiple NPI Our data indicates this claim has multiple Rendering NPI Numbers. Please submit a corrected claim.
304 Inpt Proc Inpatient Procedure
305 Dialysis Claim lacking CBSA Dialysis claims require a CBSA. Please resubmit.
306 Invalid CPT for benefit This CPT code is not valid for this benefit. Resubmit claim with Medicare approved code for benefit.
307 RAP received RAP received. Payment for this episode has been paid.
308 Mbr not approved for in home podiatry. This member is not approved to receive podiatry services in the home. No fee-for-service payment will be made.
309 Inpt claim with same DOS as ER Inpatient claim/auth exists for same DOS as ER claim.
310 Code not recognized by OPPS Codes not recognized by OPPS when submitted on an outpatient hospital Part B bill type (12x, 13x, 14x). Not paid under OPPS.
311 Operating Physician required Operating Physician Information Required.
312 HomeHealth claim for prev episode not submitted Payment Denied. Previous Episode Final Not Submitted.
313 HIPPS/RUGS charges not equal to $0 HIPPS/RUGS billed charges should equal zero.
314 Invalid RAP Invalid/Incorrect RAP submitted for this episode. Valid/Corrected RAP must be submitted before FINAL can pay
315 Submit TOB 328 to cancel paid final claim Unable to cancel RAP because FINAL has PAID. TOB 328 must be submitted in order to cancel a paid FINAL.
316 Rendering provider name required Individual provider name needed. Please resubmit with corrected information.
317 Max rental period exceeded Based on Medicare pricing guidelines, the rental units have exceeded the maximum rental period of 13 months. The member now owns the equipment.
318 Attending physician NPI missing Attending Physician with identifying NPI is a required field on Home Health claims. Please resubmit with corrected information.
319 TOB 327 for denied claim Unable to process 327 bill type for a previously DENIED claim.
320 Date required for line item BILL WITH SPECIFIC DATES
321 Resubmitted Claim Duplicate of claim in review
323 Cosurgeon not allowed Co-surgeon not allowed
324 Episode canceled Bill type 328 received; episode and associated claims cancelled.
325 Pay to provider does not match Bravo affiliations The name in box 33 does not match what Bravo has on file. Please resubmit this claim.
326 Group TIN submitted The Tax ID submitted is associated to a Group. Please resubmit this claim with your individual Tax ID.
327 Signature does not match what is on file The signature on the claim does not match the signature Bravo has on file. Please resubmit this claim.
328 Submit to Part D Please submit to your Pharmacy Program.
329 Noncovered OON dental Dental Services Performed by Non-Par Specialists are Not Covered
330 E code cannot be principal DX E code cannot be used as principal diagnosis.
331 Payment for non Medicare covered services Additional payment for services not provided by Medicare.
332 Place of service not covered under OPPS Code indicates a site of service not included in OPPS.
333 Service unit out of range for procedure Service unit out of range for procedure.
334 invalid age Invalid age for service provided
335 invalid sex Invalid sex
336 Mental Health dx required Partial hospitalization service for non-mental health diagnosis.
337 Only therapy services provided Only activity therapy and/or occupational therapy services provided.
338 Invalid units for bilateral procedure Terminated bilateral procedure or terminated procedure with units greater than one.
339 Implanted dev code & administered sub do not match Inconsistency between the implanted device or the administered substance and the implantation or associated procedure.
340 Inpt procedures not payable Inpatient separate procedures not paid.
341 Multiple codes for same service Multiple codes for same service.
342 Invalid dx for clinical trial Clinical trial requires diagnosis codes V707 as other than primary diagnosis.
343 Modifier CA billed for multiple procedures Use of modifier CA with more than one procedure not allowed.
344 Invalid service for OT code This OT code only billed on partial hospitalization claims.
345 Invalid service for AT code AT service not payable outside the partial hospitalization program.
346 Service not FDA approved Service provided prior to FDA approval.
347 Service not approved by NCD Service provided prior to date of National Coverage Determination (NCD) approval.
348 Service provided outside approval period Service provided outside approval period.
349 Invalid pt status for CA modifier CA modifier requires patient status code 20.
350 Billed amt cannot exceed $1.01) Charge exceeds token charge ($1.01).
351 Invalid condition code for bill type Partial hospitalization condition code 41 not approved for type of bill.
352 Claim does not meet obs criteria Observation does not meet minimum hours, qualifying diagnoses, and/or 'T' procedure conditions.
353 Invalid bill type for observation Observation G codes only allowed with bill type 13x.
354 Non-reportable for site of service Non-reportable for site of service.
355 E/M conditions not met for observation criteria E/M conditions not met and line item date of obs code G0244 is not 12/31 or 01/01.
357 Incorrect billing of modifier FB or FC. Incorrect billing of modifier FB or FC.
358 Invalid code for place of service Mental health code not approved for partial hospitalization.
359 Invalid code for place of service Mental health service not payable outside the partial hospitalization program.
360 Service provided outside approval
period Service provided on or after effective date of NCD non-coverage.
361 Not a covered Medicaid benefit The patient does not have benefits for this service under this Medicaid Plan.
365 Medical documentation required Please resubmit claim with the appropriate medical documentation.
369 No OON Medicaid coverage for this benefit The benefit for this service is not covered out of network service for this Medicaid Plan.
370 Code billed in excess of once per 90 period Report only once every 90 days per CPT.
371 TOB 328 received with no matching claim in history
328 Received. No matching claim found for cancellation request. Cancellation request must match claim on file.
372 Invalid admin code Resubmit with appropriate administration code.
373 Submit to ASH This claim is the responsibility of Bravo Health's Delegated Chiropractor Vendor. This claim has been forwarded on your behalf.
374 Service paid previously to another provider. Payment Denied. Information on file indicates services are provided by another provider.
375 Incorrect Admission Source Please submit with correct Admission Source.
376 CMS Noncovered ICD9/CPT Mods billed This claim has been denied for payment since it contains one or more of the ICD-9 codes or CPT modifiers CMS
has identified as not eligible for payment.
377 Resubmit proc code Please resubmit with a specific procedure code.
378 Resubmit claim form Please resubmit claim on the correct claim form type.
379 Invalid ASC Code The service billed is not an approved ASC procedure.
380 Invalid Date Span The "from" and "to" dates must be different.
381 IB fax number Please fax bills to 1(877)-788-2764.
382 Invalid DRG No DRG found for the codes used.
383 Invalid secondary diagnosis Invalid secondary diagnosis code.
384 Invalid discharge date Invalid discharge date.
385 Global day overlap Not reimbursable. Services rendered are within the global day billing period.
386 HHDisenroll This member disenrolled during the home health episode. A claim for a partial episode payment must be submitted in order for charges to be adjudicated properly.
387 BPHP previously paid The Bravo Personal Health Profile has already been reimbursed for this member for the current calendar year.
388 Claim cancelled Bill Type 118 received and claim was cancelled.
389 Leave of Absence and Level of Care mismatch Leave of Absence and Level of Care cannot be billed with same Date of Service 390 Service cannot be billed on same date as LOC Code cannot be billed without Level of Care on same Date of Service
393 Invalid Discharge Status Invalid Discharge Status
998 Negative Check This amount has been credited to a prior adjustment.
999 Reversed Claim This claim represents an adjustment to claim ___ processed on mm/dd/yyyy.
1001 MUE Edit The units of service billed exceeds our acceptable maximum units (MUE-medically unlikely edits)
1002 Incorrect TOB ESRD Hospitals with a Medicare certified renal dialysis facility should have outpatient ESRD related services billed by the hospital-based renal dialysis facility on bill type 72x.
1003 EOP Required Please resubmit with a copy of the Explanation of Payment from the primary carrier.
1004 MSP This claim has been paid in full by the primary carrier.
1005 HH Treatment Code not billed 18 digit Alpha/Numeric MCR Treatment Authorization code not present on claim. Please resubmit claim.
1006 Resubmit with RUGs code Resubmit claim with valid RUGS code.
1007 Multiple rev code 0023 Multiple instances of revenue code 0023 billed on a single claim.
1008 Missing or invalid Admit Date Admit date is missing or invalid.
1009 Negative charges not allowed Negative charges are not permitted on a claim service line
1011 Team surgeon not allowed Team surgeon not allowed.
1012 HCPCS required Surgical procedure requires HCPCS.
1013 Benefit not separately reimbursed This benefit is not separately reimbursed.
1014 Member not within age range for benefit The benefit for the service rendered is not within the age range for the member.
1015 Only one anesthesia code per surgical session Only one primary anesthesia should be reported for a surgical session.
1017 Service Not Covered Service Not Covered
1018 Missing EMS report Need ambulance EMS report.
1019 Invalid anesthesia code Need valid anesthesia code.
1020 Admit date under previous contract Service dates not matching proper 60 Day Episodic span from Start of Care, Admit date under previous contract. Services reimbursed under previous contract due to Admit date
1021 Missing form A single case agreement referral form must accompany each claim submitted.
1023 Missing OP report Resubmit with OP report.
1024 Invalid discharge hour Invalid Discharge Hour
1025 ERAP payment Payment denied. Information on file indicates payment was made to another provider.
1026 Units billed exceeds auth The number of units billed exceeds the number of units authorized.
1027 Refund received due to billing error Refund received due to billing error
1028 Refund Received resubmit to LifeSynch Refund Received resubmit to LifeSynch
1029 Raytel and service location not in
box 33 Please resubmit using Raytel's Tax ID and the service location along with Raytel's name in box #33.
1030 Invalid primary or admitting dx code Invalid primary or admitting diagnosis code – please resubmit with appropriate Dx code
1031 Primary dx paired with secondary dx Primary Dx is not acceptable unless paired with appropriate secondary Dx
1032 Billable visit not appropriate level First billable visit not skilled at appropriate level
1033 Supply revcodes not on claim Provider billed HHPPS FINAL indicating Medical/Surgical supplies. Supply Revenue Code 027x and/or 062x not present on claim. Please resubmit corrected claim
1034 Revcode requires HCPCS, DOS and amount Revenue code 0274 requires an HCPCS code, the date of service units and a charge amount
1035 Cancellation submitted prior to up/downcoding
In order to bill new HHPPS HHRG code, a 328 cancellation needs to be submitted to cancel current HHPPS HHRG code on file before new up coded or down coded HHRG/HHPPS code can be billed.
1036 Unable to adjust RAPS Unable to adjust RAPS. RAPS must be canceled and re-billed in order to correct information on file.
1037 No claim in std benefit period No claim in std benefit period before use of reserve days
1038 Other agency responsible for payment Other agency may be responsible for payment
1040 Timely filing This claim was submitted after the filing deadline.
1046 Invalid specialty for svc Provider specialty invalid for service rendered.
1049 Resubmit to TX Mcaid , MCO not responsible for InP Submit Inpatient Acute Care Claims to TMHP.
1050 MOOP This member has reached the max out-of-pocket amount for 2011. If cost-share in excess of what is shown on the EOP has been collected, please reimburse the difference to the member.
1051 Medicare not reimbursing procedure code This procedure code is not reimbursable through Medicare. Please resubmit with a valid code.
1052 Not medically necessary Medical necessity not established for services rendered.
1053 Attendant Care Payment Based upon Participation Level, Attendant Care Enhanced Payment is included in claim payment.
1054 Resubmit with CMS rate sheet Resubmit claim with a CMS rate sheet.
1055 Cancellation recd, claim cancelled. The cancellation claim was received; claim was cancelled.
1056 327 recd; adjustment adjudicated TOB 327 received; adjustment adjudicated.
1057 Billed service to DMERC Service can only be billed to the DMERC.
1058 Denied for wrong surgery Claim detail denied due to wrong surgery performed on client
1059 Pending Rate Hearing State has not issued procedure code pricing. Claims will be reprocessed when State issues rates.
1060 ICRS DRG audit Claim reversal is due to ICRS DRG audit.
1061 Resubmit with a DRG Please resubmit your claim with a DRG.
1062 Code is Included Services included per CPT Guidelines.
Medicare denial codes, reason, remark and adjustment codes.Medicare, UHC, BCBS, Medicaid denial codes and insurance appeal. Sample appeal letter for denial claim. CO, PR and OA denial reason codes codes.
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Tuesday, November 28, 2017
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